2020 Resource Manager of the Year and Lifesaver Awards

Paul Rice, Lindsey Crews and James Royster

Paul Rice

Jim Stevenson Resource Manager of the Year Award

Paul is the park manager at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and Dagny Johnson Key Largo Hammock Botanical State Park. He was honored with this award for his commitment to the parks’ habitat restoration, protection of natural resources and stewardship of state lands.

This prestigious environmental honor is bestowed annually to a natural resource manager from DEP, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service’s Florida Forest Service, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The other award recipients are Vince Morris with the Florida Forest Service and Nathan Bunting with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Recipients are selected by a committee of environmental professionals representing the Sierra Club, Florida Audubon Society and The Nature Conservancy.

Paul Rice’s 39-year career with the Florida Park Service has spanned a variety of parks and habitats, but the restoration projects he has overseen in the Florida Keys exemplify the quality of his work. The restoration of Carysfort and Port Bougainville marinas required strategic planning and creative partnerships. Paul also recognizes the importance of protection, creating a team to actively reduce damage to the park’s submerged resources, increasing the value of services they provide and reducing long-term costs. These restoration and protection efforts have contributed to the health of several protected species, such as the Schaus swallowtail butterfly, Key Largo woodrat and several coral species. Paul has promoted collaborative efforts to monitor these and other species to ensure effective management.

Finally, Paul recognizes the important role of outreach and involvement in the local community. Under his leadership, a new citizen support organization was created to support both parks. He also led staff and volunteers in efforts to create trails to highlight the restoration work and create further support for natural resource management.

The Jim Stevenson Resource Manager of the Year award is given annually to a representative from the Florida Park Service, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Florida Forest Service for excellence in the field of natural resource management.

Lindsey Crews and James Royster

Lifesaver Awards

On Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2020, while consulting with Park Ranger James Royster, Park Services Specialist Lindsey Crews heard shouting from park visitors at the end of the Far Beach parking lot at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park.

When Lindsey reached the area, she saw someone doing chest compressions in a boat just outside the marked swim area. Lindsey immediately called for someone to call 911 and then waded into the water to pull the boat to shore. Lindsey took over providing chest compressions while James, local law enforcement and family members moved the victim from the boat to the shore. Emergency services were able to take over providing chest compressions and continue life saving measures.

The victim was transported to the hospital. Later that evening, the victim was awake and able to speak. The efforts of Lindsey and James were heroic and saved the life of the park visitor.

The Lifesaver Award is awarded to an employee or volunteer for saving the life of another person.

2020 Florida State Parks Division Award Winners 

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