Volunteer Spotlight

Tyler and Jill Sheff

Tyler and Jill Sheff

Volunteer Team of 2 Award for Protection

Tyler and Jill Sheff joined the volunteer team at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park in June 2020. As new Key Largo residents, their commitment to volunteering has been unwavering. They have a combined total of nearly 700 hours for 2020. Jill and Tyler are committed and willing to help the park wherever the need exists. They are pleasant and work well together, with others and independently.

Their first assignments were with Jill working as an office assistant and Tyler working on projects in the visitor center and aquarium. However, both were flexible in helping to meet park needs. They assisted with sanitizing jobs in the campground. Jill added shifts at the ranger station. Tyler participated in fish feedings and water changes in the aquarium tanks. They adjusted their schedules to cover days that the aquarist needed to be off.

Tyler made many repairs and improvements to the visitor center and aquarium building, which is now 40 years old. This included replacing display lights above the main aquarium.

The biggest accomplishment of the couple working together was the many hours devoted to fixing several electrical hazards in the lab. Circuits were added, properly grounded, and placed in a safer area above the aquariums. Dry boxes and GFCIs were added, creating a safe work environment for the aquarist. They diagnosed ceiling leaks and replaced pumps for the aquarium. They also finished ceiling work (left from a previously contracted AC repair) with drywall and textured paint to match the existing ceiling.  

Tyler and Jill both came with skills and knowledge from previous life work that enable them to do all the different tasks that they accomplish for the park. They both have a cooperative nature and get along well with others. They are dedicated and will work extra hours to complete a project. 

2020 Florida State Parks Volunteer Recognition Award Winner

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