Recovering after Hurricane Michael

before and after

On October 10, 2018, Hurricane Michael made landfall as a category 5 storm. Many counties in northwest Florida were impacted by this fierce storm and Constitution Convention Museum State Park was not spared from its wrath.

Many of the trees that covered the 14-acre grounds were felled or seriously damaged. The museum, fortunately, came through with minimal damage and the collections and exhibits are still intact. 

The monument, erected in 1922, was untouched despite several trees that had fallen all around it. The location was quite picturesque and the grounds have always been a popular spot for weddings and photo shoots. 

We are working hard to restore the park to its pre-hurricane beauty and much progress has been made. Over 200 trees had to be removed and the grassy areas are still a little rough, but progress has been made. The butterfly garden is doing great, the majestic Southern magnolias are starting to bloom, and the birds are singing ever so happily. 

It is still a spectacular place to visit with its lovely vistas, abundant examples of nature, and of course the amazing history that can still be told.